Take a moment to browse the current texts and anthologies we have for sale. Each of our anthologies features a collection of student work that is the culmination of a workshop. If you are curious about doing a workshop with us, purchasing an anthology is a great way to see what the spaces we cultivate are like and the kind of work that is generated within them.
The Earth Of
The Earth Of: Aggregate in Repose
Watercourse is an elegant chapbook that chronicles organic rhythmic patterns of coming and going: musings about marriage compared to an ever changing body of water that flows from source to sea. The materiality of language is enhanced by the aqueous nature of images, created with threads that seemingly drift along the same currents.
Written by Ginger Teppner
“This collaborative, interdisciplinary anthology of essays, poetry, photography and visual writing arose in response to a challenge: to put ideas into the world, through forms inspired by the murmurations of starlings.”
This project grew from a session of visual/writing group The Earth Of, called Murmurations, which met over a series of weeks in early 2023.