Lore is a way of expressing the space around a word–the unspoken, the unseen, the collective imagining that transforms a narrative into something more: a shared mythos. Between the words taking up space and the space inspiring the filling up/of/by words there is a territory where meaning expands into a map made not with direction, but an intuition that ultimately fosters the development of new spaces, new ideas.
Lore is a timeless creation which exists only in what we think, what we notice, and what we share in the wake of the written word, scene, or image. It is an extension of content generated from a collective nascency and cultivation that exists away from, but connected to, original content. In so many ways one could argue that lore dictates our beliefs, feelings, and trajectories in life (for better or worse) more than story because of its connection to who we already think we are and the ease with which we can take comfort in a collective experience. In other words, lore is often the veil we use to hide from ourselves or the light that makes it safe to expose more of what we think we are.
In this 4 week workshop, we will explore factuality, map making, mythos, and the big question: “How does a writer or artist craft a space within their work that invites sub-textual storytelling, allowing for a new dialogue to emerge that elevates the original narrative–a space created by the reader or viewer that gives storytelling access to a shared history.